General Information

Industrialization is developing and increasing in the world from day to day. The computer technology sector is in a continuous and dynamic enhancement owing to the rapidly changing market and rivalry standards at the global level. In conjuction with the transition to the information economy, multiple career evolvement opportunities have appeared in the field of computing. In our country, the demand for information processing personnel in all sectors is high and is increasing. In whole sectors in Türkiye, demand for information processing personnel is extremely high and the demand is gradually increasing. For those who are new, recruited and candidate to recruit need to constantly improve their knowledge about new developments and technologies in the scope of rapid developments of computing technologies. Economic developments have been deeply effecting occupational life and new methods have been introduced such as e-business and e-trade. Companies need qualified personnel, who are information technologies specialists, while these firms are transferring their trade business to electronic platforms. In order to provide qualified intermediate staff to the sector, Computer Programming Program has been set in our vocational school. Our Computer Programming Program has been established according to vocational schools established under the Higher Education Council and current programs which are used by pilot vocational schools under the scope of 'İKMEP' and views of sector as well.


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